On Nov 18, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Hagmann Jörg wrote:
I noticed that when updating the "suite" in my home directory I need to be a superuser. If not, I get:
---------------- ! I can't write on file `cont-en.log'. Please type another transcript file name: ----------------
Operating system: Mac 10.6.8
Not for me, and afaict, it has never happened to me before. Except … when at some point you have run ./first-update or context --make as superuser, then the files from that run will be owned by the superuser from then on. My guess is that some of the files inside your local context tree are no longer owned by you. You could wipe the install (as superuser) and retry. Or, if you are familiar with unix file handling, you could (as superuser) reassign the affected files to your own user account from within Terminal, like this First, check the output of this: $ sudo find <contextinstallroot> -not -user <youraccount> Then run: $ sudo find <contextinstallroot> -not -user <youraccount> -exec chown <youraccount> \{\} \; Best wishes, Taco