Thanks a lot for this hint, Hans! On 15.10.20 09:15, Hans Hagen wrote:
\setupbodyfont[plex,10pt] \setupalign[tolerant,stretch] \useMPlibrary[dum]
\startpagecolumns[n=2] \dorecurse {10} { \startplacefigure[location={left,none}] \externalfigure[dummy][width=3em] \stopplacefigure
\dorecurse {4} { \samplefile{ward}\par } } \stoppagecolumns
don't tell Hraban
I promise. ;-) I can't test it thoroughly, but I've got these issues. I have problems with the grid on such a page. The last column of three does not align the lines at the grid. With columnsets the grid is ok. These columnsets as described in the manual looked very promising to me as I could change the column layout on the page. The columnsetspan feature is nice to make elements spread over multiple columns. Areas also looks promising but I did not try them. I had some problems while using columnsets with respect to switch this span feature on and off. But I managed it kind of. The last thing I couldn't get to work were images with location left of the text. I'll have a deeper look at the examples in ./tex/texmf-context/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/columnsets Thanks a lot for these features. juh juh