Hello, here a few questions about typing: - Is there a module for pretty-printing C-code? - How could I change the tabulator-width? - First tab is only 7 spaces, the other 8, why? - How could I embed ConTeXt macros? - Where does the vertical space in \framed come from? Some of these questions are illustrated in the following example: \starttext \starttyping void test() { 12345678 the first characters of the next lines are tabulations int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) do_something(); 1234567812345678 Here I would like to \embed{ some context-code } } \stoptyping \framed[align=lohi, top=\vskip-1.8\baselineskip,bottom=\vskip-0.8\baselineskip]{% \starttyping Why do we need special top and bottom options? type type type type type type \stoptyping } \stoptext Thanks in advance for any help! Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/