Hi, I maintained a AUR (Arch User Repository) package for context lmtx which was called luametatex. Arch recently introduced an official extra package for luametatex (the binary) called ... well ... luametatex, which means that my package has a name conflict with the official package and hence was deleted. Arch also now provides an official texlive-context package for context. I assume that it syncs with texlive. At present, texlive-context includes ConTeXt 2023.03.10. So, I think that the AUR package is still useful. It is essentially just a wrapper around the official install scripts and provides the latest release of context lmtx (and user modules). So, I am renaming my old `luametatex` package and am re-releasing it as `context-lmtx-bin`. To use it: git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/context-lmtx-bin.git cd context-lmtx-bin makepkg sudo pacman -U context-lmtx-bin-<release-date>.pkg.tar.zst This will install context lmtx in /opt/context-lmtx. This is in parallel with any system installed context. I also keep the old .tar.zst files around. That makes it easy to revert back to a previous version in case there is something that doesn't work as expected in the latest release. Note that by default the following third user modules are installed: 'filter' 'visualcounter' 'vim' 'tikz' 'typescripts' This is obviously a biased list corresponding to what packages I use. To install other packages, simply open the PKGBUILD file and change the _module variable defined as: _modules=('filter' 'visualcounter' 'vim' 'tikz' 'typescripts') You can change it to _modules=('--all') to install all modules. When using the package for the first time, run source /opt/context-lmtx/setuptex mtxrun --generate For any future runs, simply use source /opt/context-lmtx/setuptex once in your shell. This adds /opt/context-lmtx/texmf-linux-{32,64}/bin to the PATH variable, so the binaries provided by context-lmtx are found before the system binaries. The setuptex file provides a `resettex` function which removes the above path from the PATH variable. The setuptex file also sets a variable CONTEXDIST to 'lmtx'. This can be used to set the value of PS1 variable (or similar) of your shell prompt to add a visual reminder of which context installation you are using. Let me know if there are any issues with this install. Aditya