On 15 Jun 2024, at 17:55, Michael Guravage
wrote: Hi,
I am trying to use the Pocket Diary module to create a photo calendar as described in the Calendar Examples. The examples work fine. By default weeks begin on Monday. Does anyone know how to specify that weeks begin on Sunday? I have searched through all the setvariable assignments, but nothing seems applicable.
I have attached an example file so you needn't retrieve all the examples. Any help would be appreciated.
Your example didn't work for me - I didn't have PocketDiary installed and then after installing it I got an error about Moons.tex. Life's too short to faff trying to fix it so this suggestion is untested. The variables setting allows a Day= value so try experimenting with \setvariables [PocketDiary] [Year=2025, Day=7] as the default value is 1 which I assume is Monday. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK