Hi John, John Culleton schrieb:
I created a short document http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf using Context and with a clickable TOC and one thumbnail. The thumbnail was created with the Han The Thanh pdftex macro code I mentioned recently. Some
thumbnail or bookmark ?
users view it fine, others with earlier versions of Acrobat Reader have problems. A friend ftom the InDesign/Distiller world suggests that I recreate the pdf with the compatibility option turned on. Does this suggestion have any meaning in the Context/pdftex world?
just guessing... \pdfminorversion 3 or \pdfobjcompresslevel=0 % 0-3 (default 3); 0= don't compress object streams If I remember it right Acrobat versions <6 can't read pdf with obj stream compression. See pdftex manual for details.
Can interested readers read the above url OK?
Yep! Greetings, Peter