On 7 Mar 2022, at 03:49, jbf via ntg-context
wrote: I wonder if someone can help me untangle the current little mess I seem to be creating!
Author wants an image on facing page to each of 10 chapters in the bodypart of the document. Assume that everything else is working properly for this document (double-sided etc.), but other than before chapter 1, I can't seem to get my facing page image to appear where it should!
A simpler solution as you only have 10 chapters might be to 'manually' add the facing page rather than fiddle with the definition of \startchapter. For example: \definestartstop [ChapterPreface] [ before={\setups{ChapterPrefaceSetup}}, after={\page} ] % which gives you the commands \startChapterPreface ... \stopChapterPreface which I put immediately before \startchapter in the text. % Then use a setup to prepare the page for your image (you may only need \page[left] but also remember you need to stop page headers/footers etc from the previous chapter) \startsetups ChapterPrefaceSetup \page[left] \setupheader[state=empty] % etc \stopsetups % If the page setup is complicated then you might need another setup to clean it up afterwards. In this example there is just the "after=" in the definition. % Now you can print your images by using: \starttext \startChapterPreface \externalfigure[cow.pdf] \stopChapterPreface \startchapter[title={firstchapter}} ... \stopchapter \startChapterPreface \externalfigure[another_cow.pdf] \stopChapterPreface \startchapter{title={second chapter}] ... \stopchapter \stoptext Hope this helps. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK