Hello everyone!
So, I have some inline math in my document,and it's looking too big or "airy"; a bit like when \nolimits is specified in display mode but smaller. The limits are placed next to the symbol when using for example pdflatex, and I prefer this tight way for inline math. Is the "airier" way a (new) Context standard or a bug, and if it is just a standard how can I achieve the tighter style (could't find any pointers anywhere)? At least the latest beta exhibits this behaviour (for what it is worth, Context mark IV an excursion by Ton Otten, the version produced by LuaTeX-1.06.0 , has the style I want on page 19, and no special tricks are discussed). All help is greatly appreciated.
$\sum_{k=1}^{n} a_k$
\sum\nolimits_{k=1}^{n} a_k