On 07/11/2015 10:53 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7/11/2015 7:17 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] I’m afraid that newotf crashes with this sample: [...] define crashes ... i donwloaded the font, ran mtxrun --generate and remade the font database and this works:
[GFS Didot Classic]
I have this font installed too and I’m afraid it gives the same error. The fonts I meant are these ones: http://www.greekfontsociety.gr/GFS_DIDOT_OT.zip. (GFS Didot Classic is a slightly different font.) With crashing I meant no PDF generation because a not found font. The font is there (log attached): $ fc-list GFSDidot /usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidotBoldItalic.otf: GFS Didot:style=Bold Italic /usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidotBold.otf: GFS Didot,GFS Didot Rg:style=Bold /usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidotItalic.otf: GFS Didot:style=Italic /usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidot.otf: GFS Didot:style=Regular And if I don’t load the newotf module, the font is loaded fine: used file > 7: filename=/usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidot.otf format=otf foundname=/usr/share/fonts/ousia/GFSDidot.otf usedmethod=direct This is weird, since if I load a non-existent font (such as Impossibila), compilation generates a PDF file. No glyph replacement, of course, Sorry, but not even adding either of this options works with newotf: tf=file:GFSDidot.otf tf=style:regular What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk