Am 12.10.2013 um 14:06 schrieb Michael Ash <>:

The code is at

The memo module is slightly modified version of the letter module with
different command names and a different layout.

The code for the module is in the file s-cor-02.mkvi and s-cot-00.mkvi,
the file t-memo.mkiv you’re referring to is a dummy file for TeX Live 2012
to prevent error messages.


\usememostyle[margin] % table


  [fromname={John Simmons},
   fromaddress={Parkstreet 12\\8257 Green Bay}]

  [toname={Steve Wilson},
   toaddress={Nightstreet 4a\\9183 Cotton Village}]

  [copy=cc: ,
   enclosure=encl: ]



  [opening={Dear Mr. Wilson,},
   subject={Ideas for a new typesetting system},
   closing={Best regards},
   signature={John Simmons}]

\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par}

