Am 06.12.2009 um 03:53 schrieb Design Department:
The main point is that the tabular material runs from just a single to several hundred rows and each page *must* contain both the header and footer explanations associated with the table. Normally the pages are broken at a fixed increment of rows depending on the type of data, usually 20 or 32 per page, but other values are possible. For good measure, field technicians often want a forced page break at an arbitrary row position.
Two of the table columns contain data which may wrap to multiple lines, as illustrated.
Is all this possible without writing a new tabular macro? I could get close, but couldn't get the table footer repeating on every page or the forced page breaks. That was using the TeXLive 2008 distribution.
The best I can do. \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuptables[bodyfont=8pt] \initializeboxstack{table} \savebox{table}{footer}{\starttable[s0|l|l|l|l|l|l|] \NC Accept \NC \THREE No detectable indications at the time of inspection \NC Reject \NC See remarks for explanation \NC\NR \NC BT \NC Burn-through \NC IP \NC Incomplete penetration \NC SHOTS \NC Number of shots taken \NC\NR \NC CR \NC Crack \NC IUC \NC Internal undercut \NC SIZE \NC Size of pipe \NC\NR \NC EP \NC Excessive penetration \NC LC \NC Low cover \NC SOD \NC Source to object distance \NC\NR \NC EUC \NC External under-cut \NC LOF \NC Lack of fusion \NC STAMP \NC Welder’s stamp \NC\NR \NC EXP \NC Single or double wall exposure \NC MAT \NC Material being inspected \NC TECH \NC Inspection technique \NC\NR \NC HB \NC Hollow bead \NC OFD \NC Object to film distance \NC THICK \NC Thickness of tubular wall or component \NC\NR \NC HL \NC High/low \NC P \NC Porosity \NC VIEW \NC Single Or Double wall viewing \NC\NR \NC IC \NC Internal concavity \NC S \NC Slag \NC WT \NC Wall thickness \NC\NR \NC SZ \NC Component diameter or dimensions \NC SW \NC Single wall \NC DW \NC Double wall \NC\NR \stoptable} \savebox{table}{header}{\input knuth } \starttext \splitfloat[lines=16,inbetween=\foundbox{table}{footer}\page,after=\foundbox{table}{footer}] {\foundbox{table}{header}} %{\placefigure[none]{}{\foundbox{table}{header}}} {\bTABLE[split=yes] \dorecurse{100}{\bTR\bTD#1\eTD\bTD text \eTD\eTR} \eTABLE} \stoptext Wolfgang