Am 29.02.2012 um 16:05 schrieb Charles:
Le 29/02/2012 12:42, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Am 29.02.2012 um 12:19 schrieb Charles:
I have a problem with the following definition of chapter header. I would like to have the chapter title on the left side and the number, with higher size, on the right side.
The \mychap seems to work while used directly.
Any solution?
\define[2]\mychap {\framed [frame=off,width=broad,align=flushleft,bottomframe=on,offset=0pt] {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}% \vtop{\hsize\dimexpr\hsize-\wd\scratchbox\relax#2}% \box\scratchbox}}
\chapter{Text and more text and even more text and still more text till it stops}
Thanks Wolfgang.
How is the position of the text controled inside the framed? I would like it to be closer to the line (when I increase the font size the space between the text and the line increases too much).
You can set “strut=no” and use the “depth” parameter. \define[2]\mychap {\framed %[frame=off,width=broad,align=flushleft,bottomframe=on,offset=0pt] [frame=off,width=broad,align=flushleft,bottomframe=on,offset=0pt,strut=no,depth=0.4ex] {\startlocalheadsetup \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\setnostrut#1}% \vtop{\hsize\dimexpr\hsize-\wd\scratchbox\relax#2}% \box\scratchbox \stoplocalheadsetup}} \setuphead[chapter][command=\mychap,textstyle=\tfa,numberstyle=\tfd,strut=no] \starttext \chapter{INTRODUCTION} \chapter{Text and more text and even more text and still more text till it stops} \stoptext Wolfgang