! Undefined control sequence. \CVTITLE ...\ss \bfa #1} \blank [medium]{\ss \tfe #2} }\blank [2*big] l.139 \CVTITLE{}{CV} ? \tfe doesn't seem to work, the others do. $ context --version MtxRun | main context file: /home/mbana/context-minimals/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.tex MtxRun | current version: 2008.11.10 21:40 ConTeXt ver: 2008.11.10 21:40 MKIV fmt: 2008.12.15 int: english/english $ luatex --version This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.30.3-2008112812, build unknown Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Mohamed Bana wrote:
I'am trying to convert a doc to ConTeXt, and I'm also trying to make it as close to the original as possible. How do the command below translate to ConTeXt?
1. \geometry{a4paper, textwidth=5.5in, textheight=8.5in, marginparsep=7pt, marginparwidth=.6in}
For a4 paper use
For setting geometry, see \setuplayout.
2. \scriptsize => \tfxx?
3. \LARGE and \Large
4. \Huge and \HUGE
Semantically, \scriptsize = \tfxx, \Large et. al. are \tfa \tfb \tfc \tfd \tfe, but that may not give you visually the same appearance due to different defaults in Latex and Context. In Latex, these sizes are set as part of the documentclass, or size10.clo, size12.clo, etc. So, the most reliable way to reconstruct the visual appearance will be to figure out what sizes they correspond to in latex, and then set the context font environmet to match the latex values.