Am 22.05.2014 16:07, schrieb john Culleton:
The above format is required for pdf files containing color for many American printers. I am looking for the minimal case. In the wiki there is an example:
\setupbackend [format=PDF/X-1a:2001, intent=SWOP2006_Coated3v2.icc]
Is this sufficient? Or must I also use this code:
They are not needed in PDF/X. But its good to be able to search PDF documents for a specific author or a title. No metadata, no search result pointing to your document.
\setupinteraction [title=TITLE, subtitle=SUBTITLE, author=AUTHOR, keyword={{KEYWORD1, KEYWORD2}, KEYWORD3}]
I don't see the relationship of this last example to non-interactive pdf X/1-a:2001 output for print.
Well, there is none. You set the metadata via '\setupinteraction'. That's all. Interactive features (like links) are even forbidden in PDF/X-1a. Also no transparency and no RGB colors. HTH, Peter