I was trying to figure out the problem and I found that the database I was referring to was empty. I perhaps forgot to save it. When replaced with the appropriate .bib file I do get the references at the end of the document. But I observed the following. Would really appreciate if someone could point out whether I am making a mistake or whether there is a bug. (1) If the Key has a paranthesis, the \cite[Reference] gives empty brackets. (2) If I use \cite[author][Reference] then I get a line break after the opening paranthesis. (3) Also, note that I refer to only one paper of Daughety and Reinganum in the minimal example below. However, because there are two papers by them in my database, the References section lists the year as (2000a) instead of just (2000). The bbl file generated contains all the references in my database and not only the once I have cited. Should it not contain only the ones I have cited in the document. The following is a minimals example, demonstrating above problems. I have included the bibtex source of the citations used below. If you need more information, please let me know. ***************************************************************************************************************** \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database=econbibTest] \setupwhitespace[big] \starttext \section{Checking Bib} Using \type{\cite[author][BergstromBagnoli2005]} gives a line break after the opening paranthesis. Using \cite[author][BergstromBagnoli2005] gives a line break after the opening paranthesis. Using \type{\cite[author,year][BergstromBagnoli2005]} just returns the key in the document in place of the author names and the year. Using \cite[author,year][BergstromBagnoli2005] just returns the key in the document in place of the author names and the year Paranthesis in the key such as this one, \type{\cite[Daughety_Reinganum(2000)]}, gives empty brackets. Paranthesis in the key such as this one,\cite[Daughety_Reinganum(2000)], gives empty brackets Also, note that even though I refer to only one paper of Daughety and Reinganum, because there are two papers by them in my database, the References section lists the year as (2000a) instead of just (2000). The bbl file generated contains all the references in my database and not only the once I have cited. Should it not contain only the ones I have cited in the document. \completepublications[criterium=all] \stoptext ***************************************************************************************************************** @ARTICLE{Daughety_Reinganum(2000), author = {Andrew Daughety and Jennifer Reinganum}, title = {Appealing Judgments}, journal = {Rand Journal of Economics}, year = {2000}, volume = {31}, pages = {502-525}, owner = {Bharat}, timestamp = {2009.01.18} } @ARTICLE{BergstromBagnoli2005, author = {Mark Bagnoli and Ted Bergstrom}, title = {Log-concave Probability and its Applications}, journal = {Economic Theory}, year = {2005}, volume = {26}, pages = {445-469}, owner = {bbhole}, timestamp = {2008.06.08} }