On 11/11/2017 06:30 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Here are a few problems that I encountered in my current ePub projects:
* \color[]{} leaves no trace in export.
Hi Hraban, this works with PDF, it should work with ePub: \definehighlight[read][color=red, style=\sc] \starttext \starthighlight[read] rot\stophighlight \stoptext I guess you have to use this instead of \color[]{}.
* As soon as I activate export, my PDFs get two pages more, i.e. page breaking changes somehow, I didn’t yet track how.
Without minimal sample and invocation command, it is rather hard to reproduce the issue.
* For quotability, I’d like to set markers in my HTML, where the print version has page breaks. But the exported XML doesn’t contain anything like that. Is it possible to add?
Just out of curiosity, I wonder how this could be achieved. Do you have other approach than the following? 1. Complete PDF compilation with saving of page breaks. 2. Add the markers in XML code generation.
* Errors in exported XML: [...] (2) \def\SC#1{\dostarttagged{highlight}{scaps}{\sc\lowercase{#1}}\dostoptagged} [...] - <highlight> breaks <tabulatecell> (maybe my \SC definition is bad, but nobody answered to my according question)
Try the approach proposed above. I think it should work. I hope it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk