seyal.zavira@gmail.com schrieb am 23.05.2024 um 14:13:
Hi all,
i want to use tables for constructing poems structure this snippet of code works well:
\startsetups tablepoem \setupTABLE[column][each][width=5cm] \stopsetups \starttext \bTABLE[setups=tablepoem] \bTR \bTD One one ons ksl \eTD \bTD two gfjgfd oski kwo \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD One wer s dft tgf \eTD \bTD two gfkdsjg dfs we \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext
but when i use this code for simplifying of changing cells I get an error:
\startsetups tablepoem \setupTABLE[column][each][width=5cm] \stopsetups
\def\Poemstart{\bTABLE[setups=tablepoem] \bTR \bTD} \def\Mesra{\eTD \bTD} \def\nextBeyt{\eTD\eTR\bTR\bTD} \def\Poemstop{\eTD\eTR\eTABLE}
\starttext \Poemstart One one ons ksl \Mesra two gfjgfd oski kwo \nextBeyt One wer s dft tgf \Mesra two gfkdsjg dfs we \Poemstop \stoptext
what is the problem?
The table environment collects the content of the table cell-wise which means when TeX sees a \bTD in the input it reads the following text until it finds the corresponding \eTD. When you put the \eTD in the definition of another command the scanner will never find the end of a cell and you either run out of memory or reach the end of the file etc. Below are a few alternative solutions to simplify the input, one of them is an alternative version of input (\startTABLE) for natural tables which uses the same commands to separate columns as tabulate does. %%%% begin example \starttext \startTABLE[width=5cm] \NC One one ons ksl \NC two gfjgfd oski kwo \NC\NR \NC One wer s dft tgf \NC two gfkdsjg dfs we \NC\NR \stopTABLE \starttabulate[|*{2}{k{0}lw(5cm)|}] \NC One one ons ksl \NC two gfjgfd oski kwo \NC\NR \NC One wer s dft tgf \NC two gfkdsjg dfs we \NC\NR \stoptabulate \defineparagraphs[poem][n=2,width=5cm] \setupparagraphs[poem][each][width=5cm,distance=0pt] \startpoem \startlines One one ons ksl One wer s dft tgf \stoplines \nextpoem \startlines two gfjgfd oski kwo two gfkdsjg dfs we \stoplines \stoppoem \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang