Hello, I'm a newbe to ConTeXt but have allready done some documents in LaTeX. Want to switch to ConTeXt. There's something that I neither find in the manuals nor at contextgarden. Maybe you could help?! To realize my micro-typographic needs I'm using LaTeX-commands for defined, possibly non-breakable, horizontal spaces. Those are \, \enspace \quad and \hspace{0.25em} or \hspace*{0.125em}. Now when testing with contextlive @ contextgarden the commands \, \enspace \quad seem to work. Are they plainTeX? But what about \hspace ? It would be cool to have something like \hspace*{0.125em} in ConTeXt. Is there something like it or a way to make it work or to define it on my own? Any suggestions might be helpfull Best regards, Matthias -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer