On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 06:07:47PM +0100, Norbert Preining wrote:
Good. Now that I know this I could track down the problem which was reported to something else but the lm fonts, namely to a buggy \pm command.
Same holds for \Omega. Actually, there is something wrong with the fonts; CMR fonts don't seem to be used. Here is an example: See caption for figures 4, 5, 6 etc. These should have a \Omega wherever there's a blank. Also move to the last page, the font rendering for math is far from OK. I am, in general, unhappy with the fonts: http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~ee03b091/ee03b091.pdf A similar document made with the old ConTeXt is: http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~ee03b091/ee03b091_nice.pdf The fonts render very well in Acrobat as well as have all symbols. This is what I was mentioning. Dr. Norbert Preining (Debian TeX maintainer) writes this: <quote> On Mon, 05 Feb 2007, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
OK, so it's the \pm stuff. But I am still not exactly happy with the way the fonts come in Acrobat. The characters look somewhat nicer even
Well, this is the switch to lmodern in all the fonts. Your (ee03b091_nice.pdf) document has these fonts: QGWSVP+CMR10 Type 1C yes yes no 10 0 GLMABO+CMCSC10 Type 1C yes yes no 8 0 KOSSLE+CMBX10 Type 1C yes yes no 12 0 TBOINI+CMR7 Type 1C yes yes no 29 0 IGJFUT+CMMI5 Type 1C yes yes no 27 0 YFUUGZ+CMSY7 Type 1C yes yes no 25 0 SZFXRB+CMMI7 Type 1C yes yes no 23 0 MXALVP+CMSY10 Type 1C yes yes no 21 0 KJSMVL+CMMI10 Type 1C yes yes no 19 0 DZLVPI+CMTT8 Type 1C yes yes no 53 0 KRZXUD+CMTT10 Type 1C yes yes no 65 0 while the new one ships: KOSSLE+LMRoman10-Bold Type 1C yes yes no 13 0 KHXVKD+LMRoman10-Regular Type 1C yes yes no 11 0 GLMABO+LMRoman10-CapsRegular Type 1C yes yes no 9 0 XJFWIW+CMR10 Type 1C yes yes no 25 0 VUKLKL+LMMathSymbols10-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 23 0 OPSIHW+LMMathItalic10-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 21 0 TBOINI+CMR7 Type 1C yes yes no 33 0 IGJFUT+LMMathItalic5-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 31 0 LLFODD+LMMathSymbols7-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 29 0 SZFXRB+LMMathItalic7-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 27 0 DZLVPI+LMTypewriter8-Regular Type 1C yes yes no 62 0 Complain to ConTeXt about this switch, or ask them to support the cmr fonts. This is probaly the only way to go. <unquote> So, what is the suggestion? Thanks. Kumar -- Kumar Appaiah, 462, Jamuna Hostel, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600 036