Hello again, I've just recently tried to "get up to speed" on ConTeXt by reading what I could find on the web, including cont-eni.pdf (ConTeXt the manual by Hans Hagen, November 12th, 2001). Recent activity on this list, discussing the Debian packaging, says (and I commented on this a few days ago in another thread): "ConTeXt is developed rapidly, often in response to requests from the friendly user community." And so I am wondering if ConTeXt is still too fresh... and if I'll have any chance of figuring out what/how to use it without having been on this list for the past 4+ years... (IIRC, Hans is also a core team member of LuaTeX, so perhaps I should just suck it up with LaTeX until LuaTeX is viable?) Advice, comments, etc. appreciated... --Doug