Thanks Wolfgang for pointing the direction.
My effort so far gave the following:
[Choice][radio][ChoiceSetup] [yes,no]
\definesymbol [YesS] [Y] %[\ding{52},color=red] %% Not successful in getting the symbols I want to work\definesymbol [NoS] [\getglyph{Dingbats}{\char10008}] %[\ding{56},color=red]\definesymbol [BlankS] []
\copyfield [no] [no1]\copyfield [no] [no2]\copyfield [no] [no3]\copyfield [no] [no4]
\setupfield[ChoiceSetup] [width=2ex, height=2ex, frame=on, background=screen]
\hbox to \hsize {\field[no1] A: correct \hfill \field[yes] maybe \hfill \field[no2] incorrect \hfill \field[no3] huh?}
\field[no1] $x$ \NC \field[no2] $-x$ \NR %% can't figure out how to delink these radio fields from the above \field[no3] $\pm x$ \NC \field[yes] $|x|$ \NR
My intention for including this is not for someone to help debug this but to show the limit of my coding skills.
I was really hoping for a working example of a multiple choice quiz since ConTeXt was originally designed for educational purpose.
Thanks anyway. @-->------ May you be happy and well! B.A. ------<--@
On Saturday, 22 October 2016, 20:41, Wolfgang Schuster