Dear list, I want to draw paths between points which are bent by a certain angle. The code in the MWE below works well but I was thinking that the expert here can surely improve it and suggest a nicer syntax. Cheers, Henri --- \startMPpage vardef bend(expr a,b,phi) = a{dir(angle(b-a)+phi)} .. {dir(angle(a-b)+180-phi)}b enddef ; z1 = (-.5cm,1cm) ; z2 = (1cm,3cm) ; for phi = 0 step 5 until 360: draw bend(z1,z2,phi) withcolor (phi/360)[red,blue] ; endfor ; \stopMPpage Possible use case: \startMPpage[offset=1cm] vardef bend(expr a,b,phi) = a{dir(angle(b-a)+phi)} .. {dir(angle(a-b)+180-phi)}b enddef ; z1 = (-.5cm,1cm) ; z2 = (1cm,3cm) ; draw z1 -- z2 ; dotlabel.lft("$-$", z1) ; dotlabel.lft("$+$", z2) ; path p; p := bend(z1,z2,-30) ; drawdblarrow p withcolor blue ; label.lrt(textext("$\Delta$"),point .5 along p) withcolor blue ; \stopMPpage