I modified the sample code for creating unnumbered table of contents entries to include a title page for the appendices. It does create the unnumbered appendices entry as desired, but increments the "chapter number" to B for the first appendix "chapter." How does one accomplish this without this unwanted incrementing? Also, is it possible to have the unnumbered entries align with the chapter titles rather than the chapter numbers? \definehead [intro] [chapter] \setuphead [intro] [number=no] \definecombinedlist [content][intro,chapter,section] \setuplist [intro] [headnumber=no] \starttext \completecontent \startfrontmatter \intro{Preface} \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Text of the Book} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \intro{Appendices} \chapter{Supporting Data} \stopappendices \stoptext Tom Benjey 717-258-9733 voice 717-243-0074 fax Twitter: @TomBenjey