On Nov 15, 2007 6:02 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
\usemodule[visual] % example with faked text
\setuplayout [width=middle, footer=2cm, topspace=2cm, header=1.3em, height=middle, backspace=3cm, headerdistance=0.3cm, footerdistance=0cm]
\startsetups header:bodymatter
% Hans mentioned this method long ago on the list
\setupheader [text] [lefttext={\it\getmarking[chapternumber].\space\getmarking[chapter]}, righttext=\pagenumber]
\startsetups header:frontmatter
\setupheader [text] [righttext=\pagenumber]
\setupsectionblock [frontpart] [page=yes, % else problem with last page of the table of contents before=\setups{header:frontmatter}]
\setupsectionblock [bodypart] [page=no, before=\setups{header:bodymatter}]
\setupsectionblock[appendix] [page=no] \setupsectionblock[backpart] [page=no]
\setuppagenumbering [state=start, location=, % already set with \setupheadertexts way=bytext, partnumber=no, conversion=numbers] % default
\definetext[chapter][footer][pagenumber] \setuphead[chapter][header=high,footer=chapter]
\setuphead [part] [%header=high, % already done for the chapter header %footer=high, % overloads the chapter setting, footer=pagenumber placehead=no, resetnumber=no]
\setupheadtext[fr][content=Table des mati\egrave res] \mainlanguage[fr]
\dorecurse{3} {\part{\fakewords{5}{10}} \dorecurse{3} {\chapter{\fakewords{5}{10}} \dorecurse{2} {\section{\fakewords{5}{10}} \fakewords{150}{200} \dorecurse{2} {\subsection{\fakewords{5}{10}} \fakewords{150}{200}}}}}
Hi, I'm bringing that example up again because there is a small problem with it. :-) The very last page of the resulting document has no header! I've been having this problem before, and I mentioned it on this list a while ago. What I did was lazily abandon the frontmatter/bodymatter structure and it was solved. So I guess this is part of the problem as well here. Or at least, on my side of things. When I compile the example above, as is, there is no header on the very last page. The header should have a bottom frame with the chapter number and title on the left, and page number of the right. The exception to this is the first page of a chapter. And indeed, everything is as expected in the document, until the very last page, as I said, which is not the beginning of a new chapter. So, what to do here? I do need the frontmatter/bodymatter structure anyway. So there must be something else... Thanks! Jeff