On Jan 3, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Daniel Schopper wrote:
Dear list, this seems a really basic question (and probably not even strictly ConTeXt-focused) - so please accept my apologies…
I'm trying to construct a macro which first creates two labels in the text (\start/stopline and \pagereference) with the value of a counter as the label name and then a footnote which prints the page and line numbers of those two. Supposedly because of my limited understanding of TeX's expansion mechanism I haven't been able to get things working with this code:
\setuplinenumbering[% location=inner, step=5, method=page, style=\tfxx, align=left, distance=1.5cm, width=0.3cm] \setupfootnotes[ location=text, numberconversion=empty, paragraph=yes, ] \definenumber[entrycounter] \setnumber[entrycounter]{0} \def\appentry#1#2{% \startline[line:\getnumber[entrycounter]]% \pagereference[page:\getnumber[entrycounter]]% #1% \stopline[line:\getnumber[entrycounter]]% \footnote{{\bf \at[page:\getnumber[entrycounter]]}% \inline[line:\getnumber[entrycounter]] #1] #2}% \incrementnumber[entrycounter]% }
By now I tried to adapt a LaTeX-only-solution which Uwe Lueck suggested on the texhax-mailinglist some years ago (cf. http://tug.org/pipermail/texhax/2006-July/006599.html) but failed quite miserably. I also tried the same with plain TeX registers (\newcount\entrycounter \entrycounter=0 etc.) instead of ConTeXt counters. Could it be easier to stuff the \pagereference and \startline-commands into before= and after= of setupfootnotes? Could anyone please give me a hint on this?
The most important hint: please build test files that will compile. Take out anything which isn't relevant to your problem. Knowledgeable people on this list are quite unlikely to wade through code snippets. This page http://www.minimalbeispiel.de/mini-en.html is somewhat biased towards LaTeX, but you should get the drift.
The purpose of this: I'm trying to use mkIV's page and linenumbering facilities for a critical apparatus (in this case endnotes with page and line references). As I didn't succeed with Hans Hagen's recent suggestion (cf. http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg49695.html)
Again, please provide relevant information. "Didn't work" is not enough information - maybe the color of your mousepad isn't quite right, maybe you forgot a closing brace, who knows? Finally: is the format of your apparatus (endnotes) a requirement? You can try and search the mail archive for "linenotes" and have a look at strc-lnt.mkiv. This will build one (or more) apparatus at the bottom of the page; I'm not sure if those can be selected in endnotes. Thomas