On Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:10:14 -0800
Jesse Alama
I've noticed that with the most recent ConTeXt release I'm unable to make indices. This example fails:
\starttext Hello, this \index{copula}is an index. \completeindex \stoptext
Add the following path for the moment to your document. \unprotect \def\doplaceregister[#1][#2]% {\iffirstargument \begingroup \edef\currentregister{#1}% \setupregister[\currentregister][#2]% \doifelse{\registerparameter\c!compress}\v!yes % new {\chardef\collapseregisterpages\plusone} {\chardef\collapseregisterpages\zerocount}% % TH: disable next line % \raggedright % /TH \startcolumns [\c!n=\registerparameter\c!n, \c!balance=\registerparameter\c!balance, \c!align=\registerparameter\c!align, tolerance=stretch]% \dontcomplain \startpacked[\v!blank]% \mkloadregister\currentregister\dobeforeplaceregister\doafterplaceregister \stoppacked \stopcolumns \endgroup \fi} \protect
The error arises both with pdftex or xetex. I think that some recent change must be responsible for this, because I didn't notice any problems with indices, say, a couple months ago. What might be going on?
The values for the second and third argument for \mkloaddregister got lost in the last beta, the responsible person could be found in the macro above ;-) Wolfgang