
I am making a presentation with `s-pre-13', and it seems module `rsteps' conflicts with it.

use the example in t-rsteps.tex, but replace `pre-original' with 's-pre-13'.

% <<<<BEGIN mini example
\usemodule [pre-writing]
\usemodule [rsteps]

% interaction menu example:
% page number with alphabetic subpage number
  \placelist[chapter] [alternative=bottom,criterium=all,pagenumber=no]



  \bfc Raw Steps Module
  \tfb Usage Examples

\StartSteps [Simple stepping (step \noexpand\CurrentStepNumber)]

  First step.
  Second step.
  Third step.
  All steps.

\StartSteps[Fancy stepping (step \noexpand\CurrentStepNumber)]
  \OnSteps[1-3,5]{\item Steps 1, 2, 3 and 5.}
  \OnSteps[2-...]{\item From step 2.}
  \OnSteps[3]    {\item Step 3.}
  \OnSteps[...-4]{\item Up to step 4.}

\StartSteps[Highlighting (step \noexpand\CurrentStepNumber)]

  \item \HighlightSteps[1,4]    {Step 1.}
  \item \HighlightSteps[2]      {Step 2.}
  \item \HighlightSteps[3]      {Step 3.}
  \item \HighlightSteps[4]      {Start over from Step 1.}



    \vec\nabla\cdot\vec u = 0
    \frac{D\vec u}{Dt} =
      \OnSteps[2-...][reserve]{-{\red \frac1\rho \vec\nabla p}}
      \OnSteps[3-...][reserve]{+\;{\green \vec g}}
      \OnSteps[4-...][reserve]{+\;{\blue \frac1\rho \vec\nabla\cdot S}}

  Incompressibility (\in{eq.}[eq:divu]).

  Momentum transport (\in{eq.}[eq:NS]):
  \OnSteps[2-...]{\item {\red   Pressure gradient}}
  \OnSteps[3-...]{\item {\green Gravity}}
  \OnSteps[4-...]{\item {\blue  Stress (viscous, turbulent, Maxwell)}}



%>>>>END mini example

The error is:

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
\countervalue #1->\ifcsname #1
                              \endcsname \csname #1\endcsname \fi
\determineheadnumber ...@sectionvalue {\@@sectie }
\doStartSteps ...eheadnumber [\steps@sectiontype ]
                                                  \xdef \steps@sectionnumber...
l.45 \StopSteps

btw, please cc the replay to me, since I do not subscribe the list.

