On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Philipp Gesang <pgesang@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
On 2010-02-08 <16:12:09>, Hans Hagen wrote:
> fyi: the whole bin stuff will be redone in mkiv. some of it is
> already done.
> 1 - mkii compatible support (built in, no module)
> 2 - loading of bib databases in memory and converte them in an xml tree
> 3 - access to entries in arbitrary ways using path expressions
> 4 - rewrite of rendering variants using the built in xml handler
> 1 is more or less done, 2 also, 3 is possible but we might want more
> and for 4 taco and i will cook up an interface

Whoops, somehow missed this bombshell while writing my last email. Excellent news!