Pablo Rodriguez mailto:oinos@gmx.es 24. Februar 2016 um 10:01 On 02/23/2016 09:33 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2/23/2016 12:21 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
Well, Sumatra works fine with this concrete feature (at least, this is my experience). And mupdf is the only exception in this regard. hm, sumatra uses the mupdf engine
Well, this is more complex than it seems. Right now, SumatraPDF cannot simply merge the latest version of fitz (https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/issues/344#issuecomment-15626...).
And SumatraPDF has this particular feature implemented.
Besides that, all other links use named destinations, so why are they so problematic (not from the coding perspective) when it somes to footnotes, references and indices? Sorry, but I don’t understand the difference. because using named destinations has no advantage when ther eis no view and not all hyperlinked constructs have views (either because it's impossible due to lack of structure i.e. where does something begin/end, or because it's not yet implemented there)
Not sure I understand your explanation (totally my fault, of course).
I think your implementation of \setupinteraction[focus=standard] as:
["<< /D [ %i 0 R /XYZ %0.3F %0.3F null ]>>"]
is really great. Because you don’t chenge zooming or page view at all. This is extremely wise (as ConTeXt itself). It is only a pity that it doesn’t work for footnotes, endnotes and index entries.
the hyperlink mechanism currently has the options page,name,auto (auto being default) so you can try name but still not get what you want; the page variant is needed for documents with 100K or more hyperlinks (and in fact the ability to choose between name/page is also there because in principle we can have backends that only support page linking ... i forgot the details but when pdf came out and acrobat / dvipsone was supported one had named only and the other page only destinations; if i kick out that kind of flexibility we're locked into pdf completely)
These options are totally new (and previously unknown to me). I’m afraid I wasn’t able to find them in the ConTeXt command list (http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/qrcs/setup-en.pdf).
The command reference contains only a fraction of all available commands, there will be a extended version but this will take a while.
Grepping in the source, I see \showsetup{interaction} in scrn-ini.mkiv. I don’t know how to get the options from showsetup (I get a MISSING SETUP message [probably I’m missing to load a module]). I don’t know how to get the name (which command and which option?). It should be \showsetup{setupinteraction} but I attached a file with a relevant commands in this file.