Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I don't know the cure. The same thing happens to me with or without \usetypescriptfile[type-gyr]. I have noticed that a map file that is present in TeX Liven 2007 is missing in TeX Live 2008 (also using MacTeX with some random version of ConTeXt).
The missing mapfile (ec-urw-palatino) is completely harmless. The file exists in the context minimals, and it contains the map lines for texfont-installed urw palatino metrics. But in texlive & mactex texfont is not used, these distributions use the berry names for the font metrics. Using these metrics is triggered by a \usetypescript[berry] in cont-sys.rme, and the associated fontmap definitions are in (the also automatically loaded) ec-base.map. So it is just a spurious warning.
But what's also really annoying and might be connected - all my accented letters written in palatino (URWPalladio) are gone (š is ok, č looses accent, ž disappears, fi ligatures turn into some weird accents ...) when I post-process the document with Adobe Acrobat in order to reduce document size by downsampling photos.
For this, can you send me a private message with before & after set of pdfs? If possible, ones generated with \nopdfcompression (because that is easier to debug). Afaict, it is unrelated to this problem, but still definately a bug.
I tried to switch to TeXGyre, but then all the line/page breaks are broken.
This is unavoidable, texgyre simply has different metrics from the URW version of the fonts. Best wishes, Taco