Am 17.12.2009 um 14:05 schrieb Erik Margraf:
Hi all, i have two questions regarding the use of layers.
-- Is there an easy way to position a layer in the middle of the page. My intent is to position some kind of graphic/picture there. I usually try to wrap the picture in a "hbox to \paperwidth {\hfil \externalfigure{} \hfil} and then wrapping the hbox in a vbox -- Is there a better way to achieve this? -- How to do that with layers?
-- Is it possible to define and position layers in one Macro. I have something like the following in mind (untested):
\define[1]\MLayer{ \definelayer[#1] \setlayer[#1][state=start]{\externalfigure[#1]} } My experience so far is, that it's necessary for a layer to appear that it is listed in "pagebackgrounds" ist this true? With this it seems, that a macro like that above is impossible, true?
\define[1]\MLayer {\definelayer[#1]% \expandparameters\setupbackgrounds[page][background={\currentvalue,#1}]% \setlayerframed[#1][width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight,frame=off,align={middle,middle}]{\externalfigure[#1]}} Wolfgang