Hi, I'm new to ConTeXt, having discovered it only last week. I have been using LaTeX for years, coming up with my own solutions to work around some of the typographical tweaks I want. ConTeXt seems promising but I have yet to find an example of what I would like to produce. I would like to see examples of equivalents of Beamer presentations using equivalents of \onslide and its variants for uncovering contents. I have read about steps (example file refuse to compile) and animation (does not seem to be what I want). Also, I would like to see how mode can be used to allow me to have a screen version and a paper version of my content. I do not want a handout with 2*3 "screenshots". I am hoping to use a 12pt font size on a "small" 4:3 screen size which has the same line wrapping when put into an A4 landscape 2-column page. Beamerarticle can possibly do the job but it willeke quite a bit of tweaking to look nice. When I ventured into LaTeX in the late 90's. I had helpful colleagues who passed me their files and I learnt a lot just from editing and amending the contents. Google helped in the recent years in resolving issues. As for ConTeXt, Google seems to be less helpful, partly because searching for ConTeXt often lead to other things (unfortunate that it's name is used in many other context). I am now a lone Latex user in my school and venturing into Context alone. I am hoping someone will share their sample files for me to learn from. I will raise other requests in separate threads. Many thanks in advance. B.A.