Am 23.01.2013 um 23:11 schrieb Marco Patzer
On 2013–01–23 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Out of curiosity: Is possible to set up the new filler mechanism in a way to yield alternating dots like in the TeXbook?
default look:
1. First chapter ................... 1 2. Second chapter ................... 10
requested look:
1. First chapter . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Second chapter . . . . . . . . . . 10
alternating look (Knuths' TeXbook style)
1. First chapter . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Second chapter . . . . . . . . . . 10
\definefiller[pavel-0][alterntive=symbol,method=global,width=1em,leftmargin=.5em,rightmargin=.5em,symbol=\clap{.}] \definefiller[pavel-1][pavel-0][align=left] \definefiller[pavel-2][pavel-0][align=middle] \newconditional\PavelState \define\PavelFiller {\ifconditional\PavelState \global\setfalse\PavelState \filler[pavel-1]% \else \global\settrue\PavelState \filler[pavel-2]% \fi} % \define\PavelFiller % {\ifodd\structurelistlocation % does the value alternate? % \filler[pavel-1]% % \else % \filler[pavel-2]% % \fi} \setuplistalternative[c][filler=\PavelFiller] \starttext \completecontent[alternative=c] \dorecurse{10}{\expanded{\chapter{Chapter \recurselevel}}} \stoptext Wolfgang