Wolfgang Schuster
Am 16.04.2012 um 10:52 schrieb John Devereux:
Hi All,
We are having a go at typesetting one of our manuals in Chinese (gulp). Is there some trick to getting hyphenation working? (Or perhaps "line-splitting" is a better term, I don't even know if hyphens are used in Chinese).
What I see in the PDF are unbroken lines running off the edge of the page. If I manually insert spaces, then the lines do break but seem to go slightly past the right-hand edge of the paper (so parts of the characters are lost).
Sample text is from what I think is the Chinese section of Wikipedia, hopefully is not offensive...
\usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[Adobe Heiti Std] %\setmainfont[Arial Unicode MS]
Add \setscript[hanzi].
Fantastic, that worked. Thanks Wolfgang. -- John Devereux