Thanks Hans for the prompt reply. I tried the following code: \definetextbackground[A] [frame=off,location=paragraph,backgroundcolor=gray] \setuptyping[before={\starttextbackground[A]},after= {\stoptextbackground}] But this resulted in tons of errors. Could you give some instruction as to how to proceed? Thanks so much! Colin On Jun 19, 2006, at 6:20 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Helin Gai wrote:
Hi, I'm new to ConTeXt and I'm preparing a document for my own reference. The source code is below. I came across a few weird issues: 1) I don't quite understand why the page break occurs on because of \startbackground, best use textbackgrounds
pages 4 and 6; 2) Why are the first two items in the table of contents in red instead of green?
the contrastcolor is used whet the ref is on the same page
Thanks so much!!
% The source starts here: \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \setupbackground [background=screen,corner=round,leftoffset=10pt,topoffset=3pt,rightof fse t=10pt,bottomoffset=3pt] \setuptyping[before={\startbackground},after=\stopbackground] \setuphead[chapter][page=no,style={\bfb\ss},] \setupheadertexts[][chapter] \setuppagenumbering[location={header,margin},left=--~,right=~--]
\starttext \completecontent \chapter{Logic Structure of a Project}
\starttyping \startproject name_of_project \environment name_of_environ \product name_of_product \stopproject
A product could be composed of different ``components.'' \stoptyping
\chapter{Page Dimensions} \starttyping \setuppapersize[..1..][..2.._] 1. A3 A4_ A5 A6 letter ... CD landscape mirrored rotated 90 180 270 2. A3 A4_ A5 A6 letter ... landscape mirrored rotated negative 90 180 270
\definepapersize[name][..=..] width, height, offset: dimension scale: number \stoptyping
\starttyping \showframe[text,margin,edge] \showsetups \showlayout
\setuplayout[..=..] HORIZONTAL: leftedge, leftmargin, leftmargindistance = backspace width: dimension/fit/middle rightmargindistance, rightmargin, rightedget = cutspace VERTICAL: topsapce, header, headerdistance height: dimension/fit/middle (=header+text+footer) footerdistance, footer, bottomspace OTHER grid=yes/no_ horoffset, veroffset style: normal, bold, slanted, boldslanted, type, cap, small ...command marking: on/off_/color location: left, middle, right, bottom, top, singlesided_, doublesided scale: dimen
\adaptlayout[page_numbers][height,lines] \makeupwidth, \makeupheight, \textwidth, \textheight (=height-header- footer) \stoptyping
\starttyping \definelogo[name][2][3][..=..] 2. top header footer bottom 3. none page leftedge leftmargin left middle right rightmargin rightedge command state \stoptyping
\starttyping \setupinterlinespace[..._][..=..] ..._ reset small_ medium big on off height, depth, top, bottom: number line: dimen
\setupwhitespace[...] none_, small, medium, big, line, fixed, fix, dimen \whitespace \nowhitespace
\blank[..] n*small n*medium n*big nowhite back white disable force reset line halfline formula fixed flexible
\setupblank[..] normal_ standard line dimen big medium small fixed flexible
\defineblank[name][...] same as \setupblank
\packed \startpacked ... \stoppacked \startunpacked ... \stopunpacked
\setupspacing[broad,packed] \space, \nospace, fixedspaces \stoptyping
\starttyping \setupindenting[...] none_, small, medium, big, yes, next, first
\indenting[..] never_, not, no yes, always, first, next
\startnarrower[...] ... \stopnarrower n*left n*middle n*right \setupnarrower[..=...] left, right, middle \stoptyping
\chapter{Header and Footer} \starttyping \setupheadertexts[.1._][.2.][.3.] 1. text_ margin edge 2. <text> <section> date <mark> pagenumber 3. same as 2.
\setupheader[.._][..=..] ._ text_ margin edge state=normal_/stop/start/empty/high/none/nomarking/<name> strut=yes/no style leftstyle rightstyle leftwidth rightwidth before after
\setupfooter \stoptyping
\chapter{Page Numbers} \starttyping \setuppagenumber[..=..] number: number state=start/stop/keep
\setuppagenumbering[..=..] alternative=singlesided/doublesided location=header/footer/left/right/middle/margin/marginedge/inleft/ inright converstion=numbers/characters/Characters/romannumerals/Romannumerals style left: text right: text way: bytext/by<section>/bypart_ text: text numberseparator: text textseparator: text sectionnumber: yes/no separator: text strut: yes_/no state: start_/stop command: \command#1 \stoptyping
\starttyping \setupcolumns[..=..] n: number ntop: number rule=on/off_ height: dimen tolerance=verystrict/strict/tolerant_/verytolerant/stretch distance: dimen balance=yes_/no align=yes/no/text blank=fixed_/halfline/line_/flexible/big/medium/small option=background direction=left/right Those of \setupframed
\defineparagraphs[name][..=..] n: number rule=on/off_ height=fit/dimen before: command after: command inner: command distance: dimen tolerance align=left/right/middle \setupparagraphs[name][2.._][..=..] 2. <number>/each style width height align=left/right/middle/width/breedte_ tolerance distance before after inner command rule=on/off
\start<paragraph> ...\<paragraph> \stop<paragraph> \stoptyping
\chapter{Marginal Text} \starttyping \inmargin[.._][ref_]{...} + - low \inright \inleft \inothermargin \margintext
\setupinmargin[..._][..=..] ..._ left right number location=left/right/both_ style before after align=inner_/outer/left/right/middle/normal/no/yes line: number distance separator: text those of \setupframed
\startcolumns .. \column .. \stopcolumns \stoptyping
\chapter{Alignment} \starttyping \leftaligned{...} \midaligned{...} \rightaligned{...} \wordright{...}
\startalignment ... \stopalignment \setupalign[...] width left right middle inner outer wide broad height bottom line reset hanging nothanging hyphenated nothyphenated \stoptyping
\chapter{Lines} \starttyping \crlf \startlines ... \stoplines \setuplines[..=..] before, after, inbetween, indenting=yes/no_/even/odd
\startlinenumbering[...] ... \stoplinenumbering continue \setuplinenumbering[..=..] conversion=numbers/characters/Characters/romannumerals/Romannumerals/ text start: number step: number width: dimen location=intext/inmargin_ style prefix: text referencing=on/off \stoptyping
\chapter{Pages} \starttyping \page[..] yes_ makeup no preference bigpreference left right disable last quadruple even odd blank empty reset \stoptyping
\stoptext _______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ntg-context@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
_______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ntg-context@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context