The font Coelacanth (on CTAN) has glyphs in the private area. Between 2/2017 (luaotfload in texlive 2017) and now the storing and accessing of this glyphs has changed. In the lua of the font of 2017 I find e.g. [62860]={ ["boundingbox"]=165, ["index"]=2622, ["unicode"]=62860, ["width"]=523, and the glyph can be accessed with \Uchar62860 In the current lua I now find [983910]={ ["boundingbox"]=195, ["index"]=2622, ["unicode"]=62860, ["width"]=523, }, and \Uchar62860 not longer works, one has to use \Uchar983910. Is this change intentional? How is one supposed to access such chars? The manual says about \Uchar that it "expands to the associated Unicode character." but this seems no longer to be true. A context example to test is \starttext \font\test={name:Coelacanth:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;} \test 1.: \Uchar62860 2.: \Uchar983910 \stoptext The question was triggered by this tex.sx question https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/453224/using-glyphs-in-the-corporate... https://github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/issues/7 -- Ulrike Fischer https://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/