Hi Aditya, thanks for the code (that also Mikael pointed to)!
Am 11.05.2021 um 18:02 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
: Look at this old code on how hide such code behind a macro to have a clean interface:
I came up with this simple cover layout: input mp-sketch; beginfig(1) color darkblue ; darkblue := (40/255,67/255,117/255) ; pen pillpen ; pillpen := makepen ((-1bp,-0.5bp)--(1bp,-0.5bp)..(1bp,0.5bp)--(-1bp,0.5bp)..cycle) ; pickup pillpen xyscaled 3bp ; sketchypaths; sketch_amount := 5bp; % insert some extra points to add fuzzyness - automate? % path one ; one := (-3mm,249mm) -- (185mm,249mm) -- (185mm,300mm) ; % links-oben path onep ; onep := (-3mm,249mm) .. (25.5mm,249mm) .. (150mm,249mm) -- (185mm,249mm) -- (185mm,300mm) ; % links-oben % path two ; two := (25.5mm,-3mm) -- (25.5mm,167mm) -- (213mm,167mm) ; % unten-rechts path twop ; twop := (25.5mm,-3mm) .. (25.5mm,25.5mm) .. (25.5mm,120mm) -- (25.5mm,167mm) .. (120mm,167mm) -- (213mm,167mm) ; % unten-rechts % draw paths several times - automate? numeric max ; max := 5; for i=0 upto max : draw onep withcolor darkblue withtransparency ("multiply", 1/max) ; draw twop withcolor darkblue withtransparency ("multiply", 1/max) ; endfor naturalizepaths; % draw crop box (paper size) pickup pencircle xyscaled 0.5bp; draw (0,0)--(0,297mm)--(210mm,297mm)--(210mm,0)--cycle withcolor magenta; endfig This begins to look like I imagined, even if I’d like to add some noise (pattern, shading). Jairo’s suggestion looks too regular. (Finally, I’ll overlay the whole page with a transparent image for structure.) As you see, both paths use only three points, but I added some more to add fuzzyness. Also they get drawn several times with transparency to get a irregular width and some blur. I’m quite sure this could be added to your macro, but I’m still too inexperienced with Metapost. Hraban