Marco - thanks for your help! I found an alternative way to do it that centers the whole caption, including the figure label: \starttext % Centers the caption text, label is offset (suggested by Marco): \setupcaptions [headstyle={\hskip-5em\bold},width=4in] \startplacefigure [title={This is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long caption.}] \externalfigure [dummy] \stopplacefigure % Centers the entire caption, including the label: \setupcaptions [headstyle=bold,style={\hangindent=6em},distance=2em,width=4in] \startplacefigure [title={This is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long caption.}] \externalfigure [dummy] \stopplacefigure \stoptext For both methods the spacing is hardcoded; for my application I ended up creating a short macro that checked the length of the figure label and adjusted things accordingly so that the the spacing for Figure 10+ worked the same as for Figures 1-9. John On May 13, 2012, at 6:09 AM, Marco wrote:
On 2012-05-11 John Dyreby <jjdyreby at wisc.edu> wrote:
Or if this formatting works...
How it currently looks: Figure 1 This is a caption that extends to multiple lines.
What I'm trying to get: Figure 1 This is also a caption that extends to multiple lines.
This is a hack, but seems to work:
\setupcaptions [headstyle={\hskip-5em\bold}] \starttext \startplacefigure [title={\input knuth\par}] \externalfigure [dummy] \stopplacefigure \stoptext