Le Sun 16/11/2008 à 15:12 Wolfgang Schuster à écrit:
Am 16.11.2008 um 14:36 schrieb Mildred Ki'Lya:
Le Sun 16/11/2008 à 13:01 Wolfgang Schuster à écrit:
You should use ConTeXt markup and try to avoid the plain TeX commands.
Thank you for your hists. I'll have to go through them.
In fact, I wanted as much as possible to be independent from ConTeXt itself. In the file I typeset, I only use customized control sequences I have defined before. It looks like:
Ah! You try to define your own markup for TeX.
and the mapping to the ConTeXt commands happens in your style file.
Well, I still prefer my code as it is more flexible and you can share bits of code between the two headers (in my case, the ruler)
\StartFrontPage \Title{\title} \vfil \SubTitle{\author} \StopFrontPage
Why do you use a environmen but post low level code in your other mail, if you use such code use it in your questions, it's easier to help you.
Well, it was to simplify ... If I hadn't, I would have post this code plus the definitions before it, making it necessary for the readers to look up for the definition each time.
\Chapter \Title{Introduction}
\Chapter[1] \Title{Chapter name}
What is \Chapter supposed to do.
\Chapter is supposed to create a page break. If there is a number, it should display \Title{Chapter #1}. The \Title macro just makes the following text larger, centered on the line and add a bit of space below. It looks like: \font\titlefont=cmbx12 scaled\magstep3 \font\subtitlefont=cmbx12 scaled\magstep5 \parindent=20pt \def\DropCaps#1{% \DroppedCaps{}{cmr10}{2\baselineskip}{2pt}{1\baselineskip}{2} #1} \def\PaperSize#1{ \setuppapersize[#1][#1] } \def\StartFrontPage{% \eject\nobreak\vfill% } \def\StopFrontPage{% \nobreak\vfill\eject% } \def\Title#1{% {\titlefont% \centerline{#1}% \vskip 1em% }} \def\SubTitle#1{% {\it% \centerline{#1}% \vskip 1em% }} \def\doChapter[#1]{% \vfill\eject{}% \iffirstargument% \Title{Chapter #1}% \fi% } \def\Chapter{\dosingleempty\doChapter} \def\Header#1{\setupheadertexts[\vbox{#1}]} \def\Footer#1{\setupfootertexts[\vbox{#1}]} \def\End{\end}
That's why I don't want to use too many ConTeXt advanced features. The other reasons being that I want to learn low-level TeX, so perhaps one day, I'll be able to write documentation for all those like me who like to understand every single bit of the language they use. I don't like having recipes I just have to apply, I want to be able to understand what's behind.
You could also use xml for your document, it's independant of the backend and you could use whatever you want to produce a pdf file.
I have tried before. Using XSLT to transform my document to an XSL-FO document, rendered using Apache FOP. The fact is that XML is awful to write in a classic text editor. It seems that good XML editors requires you to pay for it (and you don't have the source). Moreover, you often need to give it the DTD or XML Schema.
Or you write a complete new markup style, here is something from my archive, I never used it but it was interesting to test a new method to write text.
In fact, I'm quite comfortable with TeX markup. I would probably have
replaced the \ character with another one (on french keyboards, it's
not as easily typed. Fortunately on French macintosh keyboards it's a
bit easier). But overall, I like the syntax.
Mildred Ki'Lya
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