Got a solution, but it looks like "not a proper way to do it" Is it recommanded to work directly with lua tables like these : - structures.sections.current().references - fonts.current().specification =================================================== \def\CheckC% {\startluacode local numero = structures.sections.current() if numero == nil then numero = 1 else numero = structures.sections.current().references.listindex + 1 end context.page() context("inbetween : "..structures.lists.collected[numero].titledata.title) context.page() \stopluacode} \setuphead [section] [color=darkred,style=\tfc,inbetween={\mono{\CheckC}}] \setuphead [subsection] [inbetween=] \starttext \startsection[title=Section A] Text of section A. \startsubsection[title=SubSection A.A] Text of subsection A.A \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=Section B] Text of section B. \startsubsection[title=SubSection A.A] Text of subsection A.A \stopsubsection \stopsection \stoptext Le 29/04/2023 à 18:07, Garulfo a écrit :
Hi all,
I would like to use the title and the number of a section twice : - first with a specific layout (with makeup) - second, as usual, as part of the page flow.
like in : http://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/cont-enp.pdf#page=23
looking at the source code (http://context.aanhet.net/svn/manuals/context/layo-00.tex), I understood that it was achieved with :
\setuphead [\v!chapter] [\c!command=\PlaatsHoofdstuk, \c!page=\v!yes, \c!before=, \c!inbetween=\PlaatsHoofdstukIndex, %\c!incrementnumber=cont-\currentlanguage, \c!header=\v!nomarking, \c!textstyle=\bfd, \c!numberstyle=\bfe]
\def\PlaatsHoofdstukIndex % todo: lucida {%\startnotmode[*\v!frontpart] \page[\v!right] \setupbackgrounds[\v!paper][\c!background=\v!color] \startmakeup[\v!standard] \raggedleft \doifsomething{\currentheadnumber} {\hfill\expanded{\processMPheadnumber{\currentheadnumber}}} \vfill \hfill\expanded{\processMPheadtext{\currentheadtext}} \stopmakeup \setupbackgrounds[\v!paper][\c!background=] }%\stopnotmode}
But currently, I can not reproduce it : - \currentheadtex return empty - \namedstructurevariable{section}{title} only report the update title once the title is actually typesetted
Is there a way to access \namedstructurevariable with [next] or [previous] like options ?
Here is a test trying to reproduce cont-enp.pdf example ===================================================
\def\CheckA{{\mono\currentheadtext}} \def\CheckB{{\mono\namedstructurevariable{section}{title}}\page}
\setuphead [section] [before={before : \CheckA - \CheckB}, inbetween={inbetween: \CheckA - \CheckB}, after={after: \CheckA - \CheckB}, beforesection={beforesection: \CheckA - \CheckB}, insidesection={insidesection: \CheckA - \CheckB}, aftersection={aftersection: \CheckA - \CheckB}, color=darkred, style=\tfc, ]
\startsection[title=Section A] Text of section A. \stopsection
\startsection[title=Section B] Text of section B. \stopsection
Thanks for your help Garulfo