Ahoi, I’m trying to typeset an interview and thought, a "description" might be the best setup. But I can’t find the right parameters for the layout I want... Every contribution should look like: """ HHR Here’s the text, question or answer. OTR And here’s the next one. Might have several lines. """ Working example: \definedescription[Interview][ headstyle=italic, style=normal, align=flushleft, alternative=hanging, ] \def\dostartInterview[#1][#2]% {\doifsomethingelse{#2}% {\startInterview[reference={#1},title={#2}]}% {\startInterview[title={#1}]}% } \def\startInt{\dodoubleempty\dostartInterview} \def\stopInt{\stopInterview} \starttext \chapter{An Interview} \startInt[{Hennning Hraban Ramm (HR)}] This might be a short question or a long response. Name or initials of the person should stand in their own line (without breaking), while the answer should be indented, without additional paragraph indent. \stopInt \startInt[{Hans Hagen (HH)}] And I’m sure the author has something to say. \input tufte \stopInt \startInt[HR] \input knuth \stopInt \startInt[HH] \input zapf \stopInt \startInt[thankyou][HR] This might also have a reference. \stopInt \stoptext Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD