On 23 Oct 2021, at 14:51, Gerben Wierda via ntg-context
wrote: On 23 Oct 2021, at 15:34, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Gerben Wierda via ntg-context schrieb am 23.10.2021 um 15:20:
I’d like a book with chapters to have sections/parts, e.g. something that groups a few \chapter elements together. Is there support for this in LMTX? I.e. in such a way that it also shows up in the table of contents?
You can use \part.
Yes. Thanks. But that leads to additional questions: - how do I get the parts to show up in the table of contents? Because I tried \part but it did not show up - how do I let chapters number on (not restart in each part, and not a x.y number but simply ‘2. Chapter’ - what is a good way to create actual RHS ‘title’ pages for each chapter? - how do I get parts to number with Roman numerals?
I define my own versions of \part and \chapter (called \Part and \Chapter) and specify a different display style using setups. The definition for \Part is below, \Chapter is very similar so I haven't included it. %% Double rule above part title \startsetups PartSetup \setupheader[state=empty] \par \startMPcode draw (0,2mm)--(TextWidth,2mm) withpen pensquare scaled 1.5mm ; draw (0,0)--(TextWidth,0) withpen pensquare scaled 1.0mm ; clip currentpicture to unitsquare yscaled 1cm xscaled TextWidth \stopMPcode \stopsetups \define[2]\placePartTitle{\midaligned{#2}} %% The above line is what I use. You want Roman numerals so maybe adapt it to: %% \define[2]\placePartTitle{\midaligned{\convertnumber[Romannumerals][#1] #2}} \definehead [Part] [part] \setuphead[Part] [ page=right, placehead=yes, style={\stylePartTitle}, %% this is just from a \definefont before={\setups{PartSetup}}, command=\placePartTitle, ] With \setuplayout[location=doublesided] this then comes out on the RHS. For the ToC, I use: \setuplist [alternative=b] \setuplist [Part] [ headnumber=no, margin=0cm, width=0cm, distance=0cm, style=\tocStylePartTitle, ] \setuplist [Chapter] [ headnumber=no, margin=1em, width=0cm, distance=0cm, ] \setupcombinedlist [content] [list={Part,Chapter}] then \placecontent prints the chapter titles indented under each part. HTH — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK