Monday, December 2, 2002 Hans Hagen wrote: HH> At 06:03 PM 12/2/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Uhm. I can't think of any example like that, really. The point is that in ConTeXt as it is now a display (formula, itemization, quotation, etc) is always forces a paragraph before and after, which is not consistent with what the writer might want; think for example of something like:
HH> hm, but it's not the writer who's in charge here, but the designer; so, in HH> terms of intentional coding, one should code in such a way that whatever HH> strange thing happens along the road (accidental empty line or not) the HH> output is consistent. So, an in-par something should be coded as such so HH> that the environment can handle it, as good as possible. This is where we differ. After all, the empty line is the *standard* TeX (and ConTeXt) way to denote new paragraph. While should it be different for displayed items? It's inconsistent.
-------------- An introduction to the following: * itemization * one more item and a conclusion, all in the same paragraph
HH> there are options for that -) But I have to specify it manually. If I later decide to rewrite the stuff so that it's really in separate paragraphs I have to change the displayed environment, while what should suffice is letting ConTeXt understand that a new paragraph is started --the *standard* way (empty line).
Doesn't work. Try setting \setupindenting[medium] in your example; you'll notice that each line starts a new paragraph, and this is not what is wanted.
HH> ah, so we should look ahead, doable but never 100% robust; with regards to HH> looking back, definitely less robust I don't think there should be any need to look back or ahead. Just don't force a new paragraph before and after each displayed item. Let the user choose, the standard way(s).
I propose a global switch like
\setupstartstops[break=always] % current ConTeXt behaviour \setupstartstops[break=par] % only start new paragraphs % when there are empty lines
HH> hm, not sure it it hooks/should hook into start/stop Where should it hook? All displayed items are start/stop pairs. If you want to overrule this for a specific start/stop pair, you can always to it with the local switch:
and local switches like:
\setupquotations[newpar=always] % current behaviour
where newpar can be always, (current behaviour, regardless of global setting), default (follow general \startstop behaviour set up by \setupstartstops) or par (start according to empty lines regardless of global setting). Does it sound sensible?
HH> depends, this is not something that will be there in-a-minute, and i HH> definitely don't want to break compatibility for a convenience over coding HH> feature -) HH> The first thing is a proper \start/stopdisplay pair, so let's start with HH> that; one can then hook that into start/stop an dlater we can see if some HH> kind of auto-display is possible [display=none|before|after|both] or so "Display" is just a generic term I'm using for all the stuff which is part of a paragraph but gets "highlited" by typesetting it in a different format, sort of like a subparagraph. This category includes itemizations (all itemgroups, actually), formulas (not inline, of course), quotations, etc. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta