Hi, I'm new to ConTeXt and I'm preparing a document for my own reference. The source code is below. I came across a few weird issues: 1) I don't quite understand why the page break occurs on pages 4 and 6; 2) Why are the first two items in the table of contents in red instead of green? Thanks so much!! % The source starts here: \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \setupbackground [background=screen,corner=round,leftoffset=10pt,topoffset=3pt,rightoffse t=10pt,bottomoffset=3pt] \setuptyping[before={\startbackground},after=\stopbackground] \setuphead[chapter][page=no,style={\bfb\ss},] \setupheadertexts[][chapter] \setuppagenumbering[location={header,margin},left=--~,right=~--] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \completecontent \chapter{Logic Structure of a Project} \starttyping \startproject name_of_project \environment name_of_environ \product name_of_product \stopproject A product could be composed of different ``components.'' \stoptyping \chapter{Page Dimensions} \starttyping \setuppapersize[..1..][..2.._] 1. A3 A4_ A5 A6 letter ... CD landscape mirrored rotated 90 180 270 2. A3 A4_ A5 A6 letter ... landscape mirrored rotated negative 90 180 270 \definepapersize[name][..=..] width, height, offset: dimension scale: number \stoptyping \chapter{Layout} \starttyping \showframe[text,margin,edge] \showsetups \showlayout \setuplayout[..=..] HORIZONTAL: leftedge, leftmargin, leftmargindistance = backspace width: dimension/fit/middle rightmargindistance, rightmargin, rightedget = cutspace VERTICAL: topsapce, header, headerdistance height: dimension/fit/middle (=header+text+footer) footerdistance, footer, bottomspace OTHER grid=yes/no_ horoffset, veroffset style: normal, bold, slanted, boldslanted, type, cap, small ...command marking: on/off_/color location: left, middle, right, bottom, top, singlesided_, doublesided scale: dimen \adaptlayout[page_numbers][height,lines] \makeupwidth, \makeupheight, \textwidth, \textheight (=height-header- footer) \stoptyping \chapter{Logo} \starttyping \definelogo[name][2][3][..=..] 2. top header footer bottom 3. none page leftedge leftmargin left middle right rightmargin rightedge command state \stoptyping \chapter{Spacing} \starttyping \setupinterlinespace[..._][..=..] ..._ reset small_ medium big on off height, depth, top, bottom: number line: dimen \setupwhitespace[...] none_, small, medium, big, line, fixed, fix, dimen \whitespace \nowhitespace \blank[..] n*small n*medium n*big nowhite back white disable force reset line halfline formula fixed flexible \setupblank[..] normal_ standard line dimen big medium small fixed flexible \defineblank[name][...] same as \setupblank \packed \startpacked ... \stoppacked \startunpacked ... \stopunpacked \setupspacing[broad,packed] \space, \nospace, fixedspaces \stoptyping \chapter{Indentation} \starttyping \setupindenting[...] none_, small, medium, big, yes, next, first \noindenting \indenting[..] never_, not, no yes, always, first, next \startnarrower[...] ... \stopnarrower n*left n*middle n*right \setupnarrower[..=...] left, right, middle \stoptyping \chapter{Header and Footer} \starttyping \setupheadertexts[.1._][.2.][.3.] 1. text_ margin edge 2. <text> <section> date <mark> pagenumber 3. same as 2. \setupfootertexts \setupheader[.._][..=..] ._ text_ margin edge state=normal_/stop/start/empty/high/none/nomarking/<name> strut=yes/no style leftstyle rightstyle leftwidth rightwidth before after \setupfooter \stoptyping \chapter{Page Numbers} \starttyping \setuppagenumber[..=..] number: number state=start/stop/keep \setuppagenumbering[..=..] alternative=singlesided/doublesided location=header/footer/left/right/middle/margin/marginedge/inleft/ inright converstion=numbers/characters/Characters/romannumerals/Romannumerals style left: text right: text way: bytext/by<section>/bypart_ text: text numberseparator: text textseparator: text sectionnumber: yes/no separator: text strut: yes_/no state: start_/stop command: \command#1 \stoptyping \chapter{Columns} \starttyping \setupcolumns[..=..] n: number ntop: number rule=on/off_ height: dimen tolerance=verystrict/strict/tolerant_/verytolerant/stretch distance: dimen balance=yes_/no align=yes/no/text blank=fixed_/halfline/line_/flexible/big/medium/small option=background direction=left/right Those of \setupframed \defineparagraphs[name][..=..] n: number rule=on/off_ height=fit/dimen before: command after: command inner: command distance: dimen tolerance align=left/right/middle \setupparagraphs[name][2.._][..=..] 2. <number>/each style width height align=left/right/middle/width/breedte_ tolerance distance before after inner command rule=on/off \start<paragraph> ...\<paragraph> \stop<paragraph> \stoptyping \chapter{Marginal Text} \starttyping \inmargin[.._][ref_]{...} + - low \inright \inleft \inothermargin \margintext \setupinmargin[..._][..=..] ..._ left right number location=left/right/both_ style before after align=inner_/outer/left/right/middle/normal/no/yes line: number distance separator: text those of \setupframed \startcolumns .. \column .. \stopcolumns \stoptyping \chapter{Alignment} \starttyping \leftaligned{...} \midaligned{...} \rightaligned{...} \wordright{...} \startalignment ... \stopalignment \setupalign[...] width left right middle inner outer wide broad height bottom line reset hanging nothanging hyphenated nothyphenated \stoptyping \chapter{Lines} \starttyping \crlf \startlines ... \stoplines \setuplines[..=..] before, after, inbetween, indenting=yes/no_/even/odd \startlinenumbering[...] ... \stoplinenumbering continue \setuplinenumbering[..=..] conversion=numbers/characters/Characters/romannumerals/Romannumerals/ text start: number step: number width: dimen location=intext/inmargin_ style prefix: text referencing=on/off \stoptyping \chapter{Pages} \starttyping \page[..] yes_ makeup no preference bigpreference left right disable last quadruple even odd blank empty reset \stoptyping \stoptext