On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Oliver Heins
For what I understand \placegrafik[btlr]{none}{\externalfigure[foo][width=1.95\textwidth]} and columnset with n=3 are not compatible. I mean 1.95\textwidth and n=3 are not compatible
Same is true for lines=19. I think this is a bug in ConTeXt, and I wanted to report it, in the hope it will get fixed. no surprise here ,as before
In mkii your \subject disappear, in mkiv no but things changes with 1.92\textwidth whiel with 1.0\textwidth things go well. I'm not surprised because columnsets must be carefully managed .
Sorry, but I won't consider a »feature working properly only under some very rare circumstances« a properly working feature, but a broken one.
I disagree here. In columnsets I always exactly specify what I want to do, to avoid surprise. For example in your situation I use width=1.0\textwidth, because \placegrafik[btlr]{none}{\externalfigure[foo][width=1.95\textwidth]} is a non-sense for me: I cannot put a figure large 1.95\textwidth in a column large \textwidth. If I need to do so, then I must reserve a span in a some way. -- luigi