Hello Hans,
I would like to shrink the whitespace at the top and the bottom of a framedtext. Like thus:
not this but this ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | | | | | | | abcd | | abcd | | abcd | | abcd | | | | | ------------------------------ | | ------------------------------
I have tried a lot of things with [before, after, top, bottom]. Although [depthcorrection=off] shaves somewhat off the whitespace, it is not much nor am I sure if this is on the right track; and it is not parametrized.
Someone knows the trick?
perhaps with an overlay? -------------------------------------------------- \def\TightFrame {\startoverlay {\framed[width=\overlaywidth,height=\dimexpr(\overlayheight - 5ex)]{}}{}\stopoverlay} \defineoverlay[TightFrame][\TightFrame] \starttext \startframedtext [background=TightFrame,frame=off] Hallo Welt \input tufte \input knuth \stopframedtext \stoptext --------------------------------------------------