In the math-eul.tex shown in the contextgarden.net source browser dated 2003.02.03, which is the only one I have found, the following lines occur ... \definemathcharacter [c] [nothing] [mr] ["63] \definemathcharacter [d] [nothing] [mr] ["65] \definemathcharacter [e] [nothing] [mr] ["65] \definemathcharacter [f] [nothing] [mr] ["66] ... and ... \definemathcharacter [C] [nothing] [mr] ["43] \definemathcharacter [D] [nothing] [mr] ["45] \definemathcharacter [E] [nothing] [mr] ["45] \definemathcharacter [F] [nothing] [mr] ["46] ... making 'd' and 'D' print as 'e' and 'E'. I suppose this is a mistake? Regards, Johan -- Johan Sandblom N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh t +46851776108 17176 Stockholm m +46735521477 Sweden "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite" -- Bertrand Russell