Am 14.11.2011 um 07:00 schrieb Lutz Haseloff:
2011/11/11 Wolfgang Schuster
: Am 11.11.2011 um 13:01 schrieb Lutz Haseloff:
Hi Wolfgang,
I'm looking for documentation for your handy module.
Particularly i'd like to know all the options i can use for the commands \setmainfont and \setupsimplefonts.
My goal is to use a font in my document in different sizes (say 12, 17 and 35pt) with adequate line spacing.
Do you want a whole family in this size or only a single style of a font?
I need Linux Libertine as Serif, Aller as SansSerif and Aller in 35pt for large titles with proper line spacing.
My success so far:
\definefontfeature[cond][default][extend=.8] \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[linuxlibertineo] \setsansfont[aller][features=cond] \mainlanguage[de] \starttext Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle
{\it Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle }
{\bf Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle }
{\bi Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle }
\ss Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle
{\it Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle }
{\bf Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle }
{\bi Dudelsackpfeifenmachergeselle } \stoptext
Now some questions remain: How can i set the size of the fonts? \setsansfont[aller][features=cond,size=14pt] seems not to work. How can i define the 35pt .8 condensed Aller?
Define a style for the heading after you have set the font for serif and sans serif with: \definefont[TtitleFont][Sans at 35pt] \setuphead[chapter][style=TitleFont] %\setuphead[chapter][style=TitleFont,interlinespace=40pt] Wolfgang