On 01/07/2011 10:07 AM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
Ultimately, you will probably be more satisfied using Metapost graphics "natively" within ConTeXt. With xfig, you can export to Metapost. This code can probably be directly used by ConTexT, or perhaps with minor modifications.
I did a quick test, and the transfig mp code starts with this nice (!) block of verbatimtex: % +MP-ADDITIONAL-HEADER verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex % -MP-ADDITIONAL-HEADER %SetFigFont macros for latex verbatimtex % \begingroup\makeatletter\ifx\SetFigFont\undefined% \gdef\SetFigFont#1#2#3#4#5{% \reset@font\fontsize{#1}{#2pt}% \fontfamily{#3}\fontseries{#4}\fontshape{#5}% \selectfont}% \fi\endgroup% \ifx\SetFigFontSize\undefined% \gdef\SetFigFontSize#1#2{% \fontsize{#1}{#2pt}% \selectfont}% \fi% etex It looks configurable-ish, but I do not feel like experimenting without a proper test case. Best wishes, Taco