Hi, this is a rather long mail, but I'll add the answers to the wiki. For the future: Should I write one mail per question or all in one? :) 1. Color of references and table of content: How can I define/change the colors of references and the table of content? And why are some references red and others green? 2. Own title format I've set an own title format for chapters, like described in the wiki. Unfortunately this applies to the table of contents and bibliography as well. Below a minimal example, that reproduces it: ``` \setupinteraction[state=start] \define[2]\MyChapter{\framed[frame=off,bottomframe=on,topframe=on] {\vbox{\headtext{chapter} #1\blank#2}}} \setuphead[chapter][command=\MyChapter, style={\switchtobodyfont[24pt,ss]}, header=empty, page=mychapterpagebreak] \setupheadtext[chapter=Chapter, content=Table of Contents] \starttext \completecontent \page[yes] \startchapter[title=foo] \stoptext ``` How can I prevent the printing of "Chapter" in the table of contents and bibliography? 3. Text size in t-vim I've defined a smaller text size in t-vim, but this seems to affect \inline... as well. Is there a way to circumvent this? Minimal example: ``` \setupinteraction[state=start] \usemodule[t-vim] \definevimtyping[python][syntax=python, style={\switchtobodyfont[8pt,tt]},] \starttext \startpython for line in foo: print(line) \stoppython This is keyword \inlinepython{in} Python. \stoptext ``` 4. Captions of combinations The wiki shows, how to completely autolabel figures in a combination with mkiv. Is there a way to simply prefix the label with a), b), c),...? Another related question: Is there a way to define the width and align of the labels of a combination? 5. Numbering of floats I want a numbering for my figures in this format: way=bychapter, prefixsegments=chapter I guess, this is the default, but I've explicitly set it. In some captions the prefix is ignored. For example there are 5 figures in chapter 2, then the captions of the figures (the text is in German) are: Abbildung 2.1 foo Abbildung 2.2 bar Abbildung 3 foobar Abbildung 4 otherfoo Abbildung 5 lastfoo Is there anything, I can do, to prevent this? 6. Multiple references I want to create the same footnote on multiple locations in the text. Therefore I used: ``` \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext This\footnote[letter-s]{"s" is a letter.} is\note[letter-s] a nons\note[letter-s]ens\note[letter-s]e text. \stoptext ``` But this uses different fonts for the number in the text. Is there a way to fix this or do it better?